Monday, November 13, 2006

One dollar goes a long way...

There are some great bargains at the Everything Is A Dollar store...

The Everything Is A Dollar store is a perfect store to buy for those hard to please officemates or the awkward "I really don't know you, but I'm obligated to buy you a gift for Christmas" scenarios especially for those trapped in a cubicle world... My daughter brought $60.00 worth of stuff for their little gag gift party:

Not pictured: Shoe Shine Kit, Moth Balls, CareFree tampons, Glitter pencils, Mini Whopee cushions, Wet Wipes, DVDs... Hey, times are tight! Show a little love, at least a dollar's worth this holiday season.


Anonymous said...

I love dollar stores.
Nice blog; God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Gleem Toothpaste! I had forgotten about that stuff.

Kathy T. said...

$60 for a gag gift? Sounds like one of my brothers.