Saturday, August 26, 2006

Thirty Days of Fame & Glory

Aw-shucks! Ya'll go on!

Yours truly is the Featured Gadgeteer this month over at

Julie Strietelmeier and Judie Hughes have without question for a number of years done an excellent job of reviewing gadgets, Palm OS and Windows Mobile stuff, laptops, accessories and more. I always turn to The-Gadgeteer site to give me a base line of what to look for in a practical aspect and perpective for all things gadget related. You owe to yourself to bookmark their site if you have any interest in gadgets and even accessory related stuff like clothing and carrying bags.

Here's my story and I'm sticking to it:

"Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee where the weather is great and the people are friendly! I'm Kerry and yes, I am a gadgeteer. My friends think because of my Asian roots that it is my cultural duty to perpetuate the Asian stereotype with gadgets in hand, which I don't deny... just visit Las Vegas during a Consumer Electronics Show. For me it is almost like having a Roots experience. I've graduated from anything with a power cord attached to wireless and battery powered gadgets."

Read the rest of my story here. I dare you.

You too can be a Gadgeteer! Read other featured gadgeteer stories, and send in YOUR story / pictures for posting! I'm honored to be associated with a great web site. Thanks very much Julie & Judie!

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