Saturday, August 12, 2006

Culinary Epiphany (UPDATE)

"A coworker is getting married next week, and we were talking about wedding cakes (I had just done one for two friends of mine). He asked if I could do one for him - totally joking of course. "Oh, sure, what kind of chef are you that you can't pump out a wedding cake on just two weeks notice??" He went on to describe his ultimate wedding cake. "I hate that wedding cakes are all girly. There should be like a groom cake to go with the traditional wedding cake. A guy's cake."

the rest of the story


I am loving this! Look for a blog post soon from me on replicating this feat, although I will not attempt this for Mrs. WonderDawg's birthday on August 23rd.



Seems that Martha Stewart can't let anything culinary slip by her!

Martha and actress Rosie Perez bake a Birthday Meatloaf "Cake."


Kathy T. said...

That just makes me gag a little. But it really is genius. I may have to whip up one of those for our family reunion next weekend. How cool would that be???

Kerry Woo said...

It would be very cool! I'm going to use square pyrex dishes so my carving knife can have a hard guide to trim off the top. Gotta use real mashed potatoes and maybe mini sausage links for candles?