Sunday, June 26, 2005

Blog, Blog, Blog, Blog, Photoblog Essays/Photographers/ Posted by Hello

How Photographers Are Making The Internet Work For Them

David B. Brooks, Shutterbug Magazine - January, 2005

"So, what is it about a blog, an individual journal of daily submissions of photographs, that has attracted so much participation? Part of it, I think, is inherent to the nature of people who are attracted to making pictures with a camera. Photographic enthusiasts tend to be rather individualistic-it is just you and your camera and it's definitely not a team sport. However, once a photograph is made, what do you do with it?

Rather than just filing pictures in shoe boxes once they are created, it is natural for most to want to share their view and perspective of the world, that dimension of reality and life they find interesting. A photoblog serves photo enthusiasts ideally to satisfy a need to "use" what they produce with a camera, in a free, individual, unstructured space that is open to all comers. Photoblogging is a low-cost, non-commercial, democratic "virtual gallery," and because it is a daily journal, it's ever changing with its attraction dynamic, always new and full of surprises for those who visit."

Read the rest of the article: shutterbug: David B. Brooks

Well said! Check out the Photography and Art links on the right nav bar - these photographers are diligent to post daily photos and you'll find them inspiring - a picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. - Author Unknown

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