Thursday, June 07, 2007

Downtown boot scootin' plans walayed!

I was all set to enjoy a walk downtown to meet up with my friend Chad to have a cheesesteak sandwich and take a ton of photos of all of the cool tourists in town for Fan Fair... or is it called something else now?

CMA Music Festival?

Anyway my photo shooting plans got shelved, as a South Philly sandwich took over 45 minutes to prepare! One would think that cooking thinly sliced beef could be done in bulk, not one sandwich at a time. Looking at their grill setup, it's the equivalent of me opening a Waffle House with one black iron skillet cooking 2 eggs at a time.

Gotta shape up boys and think beyond the concept of making yourself a sandwich at home.

Man I wish Mothership BBQ was downtown.

More photos tomorrow!

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