Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Restless Night of Sleep

For me, when I go to bed early (10:30 pm versus 2:00 am), my brain has more hours to work with to let my dream cycle kick into high overdrive.

If I'm having a good dream, I want to find out how it concludes, before two wet muzzles starts poking my hand to let it outside to do business.

Overnight, I dreamed that I was in a huge hurry to get down to Atlanta, catch the MARTA rail to the Georgia Dome to get in line to buy concert tickets. To my surprise, there were only seven of us in line. There was a bit of confusion with the person in front of me with their ticket request (she went slightly ballistic) and a man with a EVENT staff yellow jacket took her away to "resolve" the issue.

It was my turn, and I just needed three tickets. The computer terminal was down preventing me from buying any tickets. Pretty odd, considering it was two guys with preprinted tickets, a cash box and no computer terminal in sight. After sparring with the guys for what seemed like twenty minutes (which was probably part of the dream cycle where I toss and turn), I find out why I couldn't buy the tickets for the seventh row in the middle.



George Harrison is no longer on tour.

Rest in Peace.

For me, never immediately go to bed after watching 24 and Heroes.

Feel free to analyze my dream in the comments...


Ginger said...

er, did you have something spicy for dinner?

ceeelcee said...

Yeah, spicy? Y'know, like I dunno, mushrooms?

Or maybe acidic, like, hmmm...acid?

Trippy, dude.

Kerry Woo said...

Too much fermentation in my mashed potatoes and the mystery pork in the egg rolls from Sam's... we'll see what tonight brings...