Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Awesome Giveaway of 2007

One of the hazards of reviewing so many fabulous items is that after a while…you have way more items than you can ever possibly use. So, I’m making good on my New Year’s Eve promise to have even more give-aways and contests this year…

Go see what Judie over at GearDiary is doing with this stuff:

I can't win any of this great stuff since I'm part of the Gear Diary writing team, but that doesn't prevent you - if you're reading this - to make the jump over to win some of this stuff. There are 22 items in all, so get clicking and leave a witty comment on why you want the item.

Remember that I won a SlingBox by leaving a comment, so I'm wishing you some WonderDawg luck as well.

There's no catch! This give-away will end at 5:30 pm CST on March 15.

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