Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cingular Customer Service...

Cingular Customer Service delivers even at 12:30 am.

I was feeling a bit underneath the weather last night, even passing out on the couch in the middle of South Park. So I drag my carcass to bed around 10 pm, about 4 hours earlier than normal. I have this 30 minute rule - If I don't fall asleep within that time frame, I get up, read a book or some other relaxing task that will make me sleepy.

After 2 or three tries of trying to fall asleep, I decided at 12:00 to figure out why I can't access the internet on a Windows Mobile phone that I have been testing. On the Palm Treo 650, internet access comes easy and automatically. With this other phone, probably because it is a European phone not yet available in the states (it really rocks - I'm reviewing / testing the phone) the internet settings have to be set manually.

After doing multiple Google searches and reading the manual again, I call Cingular. At 12:30 am, with zero hold time, I get a friendly live customer service woman who in clear precise proper English looks up the info that I need:

Access Point: WAP.CINGULAR
Password: CINGULAR1
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
IP Address: (leave blank)

Now, who in the world could have ever figure that out? Cingular Customer Service rocks around the clock. And the day before, I got my Cingular $50.00 rebate in the form of a gift card after buying Mrs. WonderDawg a new silver Motorola RAZR - which cost me a net $4.33.

Thanks Cingular.


Michael Hickerson said...

It's nice to know there are still some companies that value you as a customer. That is a rare thing these days...sadly enough.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm thinking of switching to Cingular. That's awesome about the customer service. How long have you been with them? Are the signals good?

Kerry Woo said...

Hey Michael - not only the service via phone, but the retail locations have been consistantly good as well.

And Sweetisu -
I was with the original PowerTel before T-Mobile acquired them. When I worked in North Carolina, the reception was really bad back to Nashville; so considering that the signal was horrible, TMobile let me out of the contract.

Been with Cingular for 2 years now. I really like the rollover minutes; the family plan is affordable and the ability to upgrade phones for free or a modest cost, i.e. the RAZR for $54.00 (with a new 2 year agreement and $50.00 rebate !!! ) is always a plus.

Last the signals are excellent, whether in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Minnesota... I talk to a friend on Sprint and he is always dropping his calls on me.

Cingular has been good, just make sure to pay them on time as they are not shy about letting you know that your bill is due via email or automated voice mail.

Anonymous said...

That's cool... usually customer service is such a nightmare.