Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What's the Secret to Your Success?

Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson answers: What's the Secret to Your Success?

You owe it to yourself to read, mull over and implement his timely word of wisdom... nothing irritates me more than one's lack of responsiveness.

Read on and embrace this nugget of a post - we should all aspire to a level of excellence, while empowering others to be successful as well. Responsiveness -- It's a honorable trait to have.

"As a CEO, I get asked this a lot. And, I'm always a little embarrassed by it. For the most part, I get the question from people who are in their twenties. They want to know "the secret path to the top."

This past weekend, I received an email from one of my readers. He started, "I have an MBA, but I must have missed the course on Fast-Tracking My Career. If you had to boil it down to one thing, Mr. Hyatt, what would you recommend to a young, aspiring person such as myself?"

I'm not sure I could boil it down to one thing. Life isn't usually that simple. But if I really, really had to boil it down to one thing, I would say this: responsiveness."

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