Day 98 of visiting 100 blogs in 100 days...
Day 98 of visiting 100 blogs in 100 days... takes me to a little publishing house on the corner. It could any corner located in a small town that is undergoing revitalization... This is where The Sacred Sandwich Publishing Company is located.
Published by Chris Carmichael, I find this publication refreshing! The use of art, seriousness, proclamation for Scripture, writing, craftsmanship, excellence... I'm telling you it's all here! And yes humor too - Christians have joy, and we need to just start showing reverence for God and in a way that pleasing and attractive to others. And yes for some old time Christians like myself, a little revitalization "to restore to vitality; put new life into" is good for the soul.
St. Francis of Assisi said 800 years ago, "Preach the Gospel everyday and if necessary, use words."
So here's Chris's disclaimer...
"As one might surmise, the League of Tyndale and The Sacred Sandwich do not officially exist, except in the peculiar mind of its creator, Chris Carmichael. This publication (and the organization behind it) is nothing more than lighthearted parody of current Christian issues, produced to invoke and honor the spirit of bygone days when Christian organizations such as this were committed to grounding themselves fully in the standard of God's word, and were not ashamed to stand firm for the sake of the true Gospel."
"Do not be misled, however, in thinking that the satirical framework of this project implies a lack of real biblical truth. The editorial content of our site is not a joke. All the articles, as well as many of the parodies, are dead serious in their purpose of proclaiming sola Scriptura to the postmodern church in a biblical and factual way. Despite the tongue-in-cheek style, The Sacred Sandwich's main objective is to herald the sufficiency of Scripture as one of the surest means in which the visible Church might humble herself to God's will and enjoy true spiritual revival."
"Indeed, our satire might have an edge, but it is that edge which often cuts more quickly to the marrow of the truth."
"We invite you, therefore, to join us in this creative experiment by taking our noble cause seriously in the midst of our whimsy. Return with us to the days of the small town church and their simple faith in Jesus Christ, where the world has not yet encroached upon their thinking and theology. Consider the possibility that the League of Tyndale truly exists, at least in our hearts, and that The Sacred Sandwich is their humble effort to bring forth His truth for the glory of God alone."
"Won't you please join us in this fight?"
"Scripture is the vital staple God has prepared for His people. Therefore the mission of The Sacred Sandwich is two-fold. First, we desire to use this publication to proclaim sola Scriptura: the "shorthand" declaration that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the only basis of truth for the Lord's people in the Church. Second, and more pointedly, we desire to present faithful, consistent exegesis of Scripture as a powerful and irrefutable response to much of the current error being taught in the church today."
Just to show that we can laugh at ourselves.. enjoy this advertisement:
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