Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Day 64 of visiting 100 blogs in 100 days

Day 64 of visiting 100 blogs in 100 days: PleaseConvinceMe Blog

Pastor Jim is a youth pastor in Southern California... I cherish pastors who are authentic... out of their authenticity comes answers that we as the unchurched and Christians alike ask -

I love the tough questions that appear on this blog - when looking in the mirror, it's much more difficult to examine oneself.. but doing so makes ministering to people much more effective. One can never judge someone into God's Kingdom, nor should we ever confess another's person's sins.

As a sample of the richness of this blog, Pastor Jim addresses hypocrisy...

I've been reading a number of blogs lately that are written by people who clearly relish the fact that they are "un-churched" (have not attended church in quite a long time, and have no desire to return). These folks often point to Christians who do attend church and complain that they are incredibly poor examples of what it should mean to be a believer. They repeatedly point to the hypocrisy and intolerance that they see in the loves of people who claim to follow Christ.

and patience...
With just this LITTLE inconvenience (the inconvenience of having to WAIT) I find myself becoming a real jerk. I start to become judgmental and nasty. I find myself assuming the worst in people and trying to place blame on people for stuff that is no one's fault!! In the end, I become everything that I don't want to be and the complete hypocrite that I hate. I end up feeling very unspiritual. And I am supposed to be a leader...

Looking for authenticity? Need convincing? stop by and visit: please convince me

picture source

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