Sunday, December 04, 2005

Coming soon to WonderDawg...

It's Saturday and I don't have the energy to blog or post the forty six drafts I have pending (adding pictures and links) after a long day... must be the rain... or blog fatigue from reading about the Christmas vs. holiday political correctness argument. Every year at this time, someone gets deeply offended about Christians turning Christmas into a religious holiday!

But still that doesn't mean I'm being a lump on the old yuletide log. As they say on the local news, here's what I'm working on to blog about.

Finishing my backlog of visiting 100 blogs in 100 days; there is so much to weed through. I have at least 360 blogs that I've read; I just need to narrow the list and spotlight my favorite blogs and finish by December 31. Got some great ones to talk about. Open for recommendations as well! Comments are open.

Went to Green Hills with my wife this morning and was blown away by the sneak preview of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Coming to Theaters December 9, 2005 (don't miss it!)

I'm building a massive LEGOs project... Originally destined to be a space space has morphed into a 24 inch 3 story battleship, spacecraft, cruise ship combo. Now the intent is to use every possible lego piece that I have available which consists of 3 large size plastic tubs full of misc parts. Photos to come...

I'm ready to go back to Macs - I'm so frustrated with the constant blue screen of death / device driver errors codes from my Windows XP desktop PC crashing all the time. I'll spend the $100 now to get someone to fix it and be done with it. Meanwhile, I am looking to pick up a new iMac G5. I'm told that it's a breeze to move all of my files, pictures and tunes over from Windows to the new iMac. Appreciate any feedback. Yup , I ready to join the Cult of Mac.

Reading a lot regarding the Emerging Church. Anybody know more about this movement or have first hand knowledge of attending such a church?

Lots of great books to finish reading and to start (I read 7 to 10 books at the same time) - Tom Brokaw's The Greatest Generation; Spark - John Winsor; The Ten Faces of Innovation; The World Is Flat; Freakonomics; The Big Moo; Executive Intelligence; some CS Lewis and Oswald Chambers; a new Bible reading plan for 2006 and reading the NLT version newly added to my Palm.

Pumped about the upcoming Passion conference coming to Nashville January 2-5 at the GEC.

More later - thanks for visiting - over 10,000 - and I'm grateful for everyone who took the time to stop by.

1 comment:

orangejack said...

Ever since you spotlighted my blog I've been tracking with you. I dig what you're doing here. Keep it up. One suggestion though: would you consider publishing the entire feed rather than the teaser? Sometimes I'm just not movitvated to click through and I may start trimming those blogs out of my reader.

Keep up the great work!