Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Day 47 of visiting 100 blogs in 100 days

Day 47 of visiting 100 blogs in 100 days

Whenever I visit other people's houses, I'm always looking around at the books laying around on the coffee table, decorations, things like knick knacks and collectables that reveal a person's interests and personalities. At Paper Forest, anyone visting Jamie Zollars' blog will find beautiful illustrations, paper crafts and plenty of fun links that share the love of creating things out of paper!

Jaime is a talented artist and she shares:

"I am fascinated with all things that have to do with paper. Origami, Pop-up books, mechanical paper toys, gocco printers, letter press cards, bookbinding, and folding animals from dollar bills all command a fair amount of my attention. I am also a book collector, and have stocked my bookshelves with art and papercraft titles since high school."
Paper Forest is the best source for anything interesting and creative - I like messing around with the occasional origami (especially with dollar bills) and Jamie can point you in the right direction.

She's passionate about her craft and it shows thoughout her blog and work. Excellent stuff!

Visit her web site of illustrations: jaime zollars

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