Monday, September 05, 2005

Day 4 of 100 blogs in 100 days Small/2nd/Treehugger.jpg

Today is day four of my endeavor to visit 100 blogs in 100 days.

I ran across Tree Hugger and while I guess it is not technically a blog, it sure reads like one... and despite the stereotype photo above, I actually found this site to be informative, full of very cool stuff like furniture, architecture, un-treehugger behavior and products and a welcome break from the tech type forums and gadget sites that I visit. They have electronics too! Nice change of pace for me... I must be getting ecologically sensitive... (not that there's anything wrong with that...)

TreeHugger is a fast-growing web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible. Our influential audience stops by frequently to check out the latest news, reviews and recommendations for modern yet green products and services. Consumers also rely on the directory to help facilitate their buying processes. TreeHugger is the most effective way for them to find well designed products that are also ecologically sensitive.

I'm with ya'll! 'cuse me while I give a hug...

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