Friday, September 30, 2005

Are you using the right blogging tool?

I've been using blogger by Google and generally pretty happy with it - No doubt, it allows anyone who wants to blog an easy to learn (and easy to teach) entry point into the blogosphere.

I guest blog over at pknashville2005 and find TypePad to be very tempermental. There is nothing more frustrating than to work on a posting and have it disappear, or worse become a chore with type sizes and formatting. I'm very visual as well and often wonder if there are other blogging tools that have features I'm really need or want - such as graphics, categories, trackbacks, etc.

Any thoughts or feedback? How about WordPress?

Susannah Gardner offers up this useful article:
Time to check: Are you using the right blogging tool?
Blogs are one of the hottest publishing tools around, but picking blog software can be confusing and frustrating. Use this primer to get a feel for what's available and what will work best for you.

Article here

Handy dandy blog software comparison chart

Comprehensive Guide to a Professional Blog Site (using WordPress) by Michael K. Bergman from AI3 [PDF]

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