Friday, August 12, 2005

Scaled-back Promise Keepers retains family, faith message

Scaled-back Promise Keepers retains family, faith message

More than 14,000 expected at Nashville conference

The Tennessean - Nashville,TN,USA

In the early to mid-1990s, Promise Keepers was synonymous with stadium-sized conferences filled with men committing their lives to their faith, families and ...

The Tennesean - Article By JEANNINE F. HUNTER

Setting The Stage... Posted by Picasa

Promise Keepers, the nationwide men’s movement that swept the country 15 years ago, is back in Nashville today and tomorrow.

3 — The number of times Promise Keepers has held a major event in Nashville. There was a clergy conference in February 1998 and a men’s conference in August 2001.

14,600 — The number of people expected to attend

13,800 — Number of attendees who either purchased their tickets individually or from churches that sold them in 25-, 50- and 100-ticket blocks.

800 — The number of volunteers; more than half are women.

SOURCE: Promise Keepers

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