Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Live8 on demand w/o the chatter

Joining hands - Pascal Rossignol/Reuters Posted by Picasa

While in Nashville, I was strolling through a strip mall shopping center when I heard a beautiful rendition of "Let It Be" wafting through the air. Kind of like a Pied Piper scene, I just stopped and listen to the whole song; I was drawn to a Radio Shack store where the music was being piped outside. The clerk and I just talked about Live8 and XMSatellite Radio who was doing the live uninterupted feed. After my errands, I rushed home to take in a huge dose of frustration as I tuned into MTV and watch nothing but chatter from the hosts!

"Television seemed shockingly old-fashioned in how it followed Saturday's worldwide concert for poverty relief. AOL's coverage was so superior, it may one day be seen as a historical marker in drawing people to computers instead of TV screens for big events.

Part of it was simply the way things were structured. Concerts held more or less simultaneously in 10 venues are next to impossible for television to get its arms around.

And part of it was also MTV's failure to really try. There were as many commercial breaks as performances, and MTV's stable of correspondents spent more time talking about what a fantastic event it was instead of showing it." - David Bauder/AP
Well tonight, I stumbled upon AOL On Demand site and I am feasting on some great music for an extraordinary cause! Live8 Concert Highlights.

There are complete performances that I didn't know were slated, photos, blogs... anyway you want to view Live8 is truly on demand. Thanks AOL - suddenly I don't want my MTV anymore...

Sarah McLachlan & Josh Grobin - Samatha Stewart/AOL Posted by Picasa

Sting - Stephen Hind/Reuters Posted by Picasa

Annie Lennox - Scott Barbour/Getty Images Posted by Picasa

Jo Hale, Getty Images Europe
LONDON - JULY 02: Singer Madonna with Birhan Woldu, an Ethiopian woman who appeared in 1985 video footage of famine victims, and whose life was saved (according to Bob Geldof) by donations from LIVE AID viewers. Posted by Picasa

You can Make Poverty History

What It's All About?

One Posted by Picasa

ONE The Campaign To Make Poverty History

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