Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Woman aims to reach souls through people's soles

In-Souls Posted by Hello

Woman aims to reach souls through people's soles:

"A journey of faith has long been compared to walking.

Confucius said a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

Alcoholics Anonymous is built on the 12 steps to spiritual growth. "

Veronica Cook-Euell of nearby Copley Township is hoping to forge a successful path of her own with her new business, In-Souls. The business makes and sells shoe inserts imprinted with biblical passages, along with other spiritual merchandise, at 25 stores nationwide.

It's no secret that I love Jesus, but I do get a little embarrassed for Him at times. Veronica means well, so I'll leave it alone.. with twenty five stores, she's apparently doing much better than I am, so I repent for my quick and wrongful assessment. Just for that thought, I going to have to get a size 13 pair for that perfect Father's Day present. Seriously! (At least the web site isn't cheesy)

Welcome To In-Souls: Inspirational Scripture Shoe Inserts, Scripture Socks, Air Fresheners, Journal, Bookmarks

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