Hymns - I love them! The richness of the words and the theology of the lyrics resonate with me.
As churches get more "modern" for lack of a better word, the hymns in my opinion get shoved out for songs of rousing, foot stomping, hand clapping choruses, let's party type of worship songs. I can appreciate being celebrative mind you, but it is kind of odd to rouse up enthusiam - sort of like a lead singer in a hair band urging the audience to clap (and flick a Bic, if you approve!). Worship to me flows out of heart of gratitude, not a sonic bombastic boom.
I'm a member of newhope church here in Chapel Hill, NC and I love all of the elements of worship - the hymns (done Passion style), framed by great sermons, communion, stained glass windows and the richness of relationships born out of small groups.
When I say Passion style, the CD that is playing nonstop on my A playlist is Passion: Hymns Ancient and Modern "a celebration of the centuries old confessions of the Church, rich songs of faith and tradition that have anchored believers through the ages. Though almost all over 100 years old, these classic hymns pulse with new life as lead worshippers Charlie Hall, David Crowder Band, Nathan and Christy Nockels, Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman fuse old and new in their unique styles—artistry and history wed seamless expressions of praise to the God of the ages."
Read more and Listen
Not all hymns are ancient - Graham Kendrick is writing some great modern day hymns like "Shine, Jesus Shine" and "Knowing You (All I Once Held Dear)"
One of my favorite hymns is - COME THOU FOUNT OF EVERY BLESSING
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.
Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Here by Thy great help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.
From CyberHymnal
Words: Robert Robinson, 1758; appeared in his A Collection of Hymns used by the Church of Christ in Angel Alley, Bishopgate, 1759.
Music: “Nettleton,” Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, by John Wyeth, 1813
David Crowder Band has a version of the hymn on Passion - our love is loud CD.
What are your favorite hymns?
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