Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ten Commandments

Goals Guy has a List of Ten... goal setting things to implement for the new year.. Ten Things Every Kid Should Know; Ten Reasons to Use a Journal and much more - even if you're a knucklehead!

Ten Commandments for Goal Setting:

1) Thou Shall Be Decisive
Success is a choice. You must decide what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it. No one else can, will, or should do that for you.

2. Thou Shall Stay Focused
A close relative to being decisive, but your ability to sustain your focus from beginning to end determines the timing and condition of your outcomes.

Well worth the visit to jump start the new year... since today is the 10th of January, here's a way to refire up those goals that dissapated on this past weekend!

PBS chimes in:

Successful people know the importance of having goals. Without goals, and a plan detailing how they will be accomplished, you'll end up drifting through life without realizing many of your dreams. It's important, too, when setting goals, to set ones that are realistic and attainable. Think carefully about what you are trying to accomplish, then brainstorm for creative ways to get the job done. Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." He had many dreams, and never let obstacles stand in his way. Despite being told once that he lacked creativity, he went on to design Disneyland and Disneyworld, two major attractions that millions of people visit each year.

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